Preschool Curriculum

For Pete's Sake offers a developmental approach to our children's
education encouraging each child to learn at their own pace. Our curriculum
follows the Massachusetts Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences. 

The children's days are filled with numerous learning opportunities
in all areas of development. Social and self-help skills, respect and manners  
are important components of the curriculum.

Art, Writing and Fine Motor Skills

Small muscle development  
Hand-eye coordination
Proper pencil and scissor grasp
Introduction to written symbols
Explorations of art media and writing materials

Science and Math
Develop curiosity of the world around us
Explore, investigate, and experiment with various materials
Learn counting and sorting skills
Care for and nurture living creatures  

Blocks and Transportation        
Introduction to sizes and spatial relations     
Cooperative play and planning among peers
Satisfaction with completed project
Develop and strengthen small muscle control

Music and Movement  
Enjoyment of sound and rhythm
Develop listening and following direction skills
Experiment with musical instruments 
Explore body movements     

Sign Language
Introduction to simple songs and vocabulary
Learning a different way to communicate
Sign language is integrated into daily curriculum  

Large Motor Skills and Physical Education
Jumping, hopping, climbing and running
Swinging, pedaling, throwing and catching
Balancing, skipping, coordination and agility  
Body awareness and dynamics of movement
Health, safety and nutrition             

Introduction to the Spanish language
Colors, body parts and foods
Songs, and poems and days of the week

Social Studies
Awareness of people and events of now and then 
Awareness of community helpers
Awareness of places in the community 


​Helps develop body awareness

Builds concentration

Increases self-esteem

​Helps teach coordination and balance

WOW... Who knew the children do so much every
day and have fun while they are learning!

Call (508) 761-7770 or email for more information!